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Did you know you can get notifications about new comments, new followers, likes on your posts, and more with the WordPress for iOS app? It’s a super convenient way to keep up with your blog even when you’re away from your desk. With version 3.4 of WordPress for iOS (available now on the App Store), you get all this in addition to posting, checking stats, and reading your favorite blogs.

Version 3.4 of WordPress for iOS: Notifications, showing on iPad Mini and iPhone 5

Mobile notifications

WordPress for iOS connects directly to your blog and shows you the same notifications you get in your toolbar, but with a twist: You also get push notifications for everything happening on your blog. It’s the quickest way to approve or reply to a comment, since you’ll know about it as soon as it’s posted. With the built-in threads, you can easily see any comments your readers are responding to and keep up with conversations…

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